Friday, July 2, 2010

Semiannual Review....just a little late

Both Anna and I are trying to remain focused, and we trying to make the most of our time here. You can call it being more goal oriented, or you can call it redeeming the time (which is much more biblical sounding). Whatever you call it, we are trying to do it. To help, I wanted to give you some of the things we would like to see happen over the next several months.
I have divided them by categories to help you pray with us.

1) Continued homeschooling success
2) Some cross-cultural friends for our kids. especially for Ian.
3) Continued health and safety for our family

General Life
1) Continued language learning. More focus on French but continued learning in Lingala as well
2) More ministry opportunities as a family
3) Puppet Ministry on Sunday for hospitalized kids
4) discipleship times for the staff here

Medical Issues
1) more ob training
2) Training of staff in neonatal resuscitation, neonatal stabilization course then Pals but in a situation specific manner
3) Continued improvement of pediatric care in well child clinic and improving follow up

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