Monday, July 21, 2014

Global Nomads (TCKs)

Hiking in Glacier National Park in Montana
Our kids have a different childhood from the typical American kid.  There is a term Global Nomad or TCK used to describe this type of  lifestyle.

Third culture kid (TCK, 3CK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents’ culture for a significant part of their development years.

At the Pillars of Hercules in Gibralter
Some of it is great, like having new experiences, traveling the world, making friends in many cities, states, and countries.

Some of it is more challenging, like missing family and friends that are scattered in many cities, states, or countries or answering the dreaded question, "Where are you from?"
Celebrating the 4th of July in Congo
As parents, we have enjoyed seeing them grow and mature in so many ways through the process.  We know that in each place, God's hand is on their lives.  That's the most important thing!
Isabelle and Sarah Beth making a heart around Congo with their hands

Some more resources:

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