Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lessons from Jacob

In Hebrews, the author mentions the faith of Isaac as he blessed Esau and Jacob. What I say? He was duped, Jacob tricked him! How is that faith? So I went back and read the account in Gen 27. Sure enough Isaac was duped. He wasn't pretending to be. Jacob received the blessing Isaac was going to give Esau (v28,29) and he gave Esau a muted version of the same (v39,40). However when I read further into Gen 28 and Isaac is saying his good bye to Jacob (because Esau was looking to kill him) he gives him another very different blessing (28:3,4). A blessing that encompassed the covenant God had made with Abraham. Maybe this was the blessing the Isaac really had for Jacob from the start. The lesson I see in Jacob's life this is just one of several instances where he took it upon himself to do God's job, and I reflect that I often try to do that as well.

With that as a backdrop some updates:
We are looking to stay busy while back in MT.
Our visit in Cody was short but pleasant, & this past Sunday I visited Chester to meet with the C&MA district superintendent. That was useful and I will be speaking there later in Feb.
Anna is working on getting some unpacking done, and trying to finish her counseiling exam

We are also looking into some French tutorial options this spring as well.
In the meantime I am back at work and we are otherwise trying to get the kids back to a routine.

The adoption is proceeding as well as can be expected. This Friday we have a visit from a social worker who will check out our house and interview us. If we pass that then we give the report to the lawyer who sends the report to both biological parents. The father will sign voluntarily and then one of several things will happen with the mom. One; the address we have is not the right one and we will publish a notice in her local paper for 3 wks then he rights can be terminated. Two; she is at the address and she agrees, signs, and we are home free. Three, she is at the address and she is not amendable to the adoption and then we have a big fight on our hands.

Anyway all of this is a matter of prayer and we appreciate that for us.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi there wegners,
this is cheryl stumpf (hopfully you remember me, if you dont I think I may have to come to montana and hurt you, ha ha ha )
well HI I found your blog spot from martha's "scoop from the staff" for handi*camp. I have been thinking about you all lately and have been continually praying for you. It was great to read up on all the Lord has been doing in your family's life. Now I can pray with a bit more "purpose" instead of very generic. isnt great though that even in my feeble prayers God already knows what you all need and answers prayer despite my ineptness( i dont think that is a word, but hopfully you get me jist)
anyway I always remember the great times we all had at h*c and other adventures we had over the years.
if you get a chance drop me line I would love to hear from you
love ya all
22 eaton road
pennsville nj 08070