Monday, May 19, 2014

Around the Web

Jenica, Erin, and Erin, who work on Mercy Ships came to join us in Impondo for two weeks.

We had fun getting to know them, and we enjoyed hearing about their work with Mercy Ships and the heart they have for the Congo and all of Africa.

I could really relate to this post from Jenica's blog, as she talks about getting ready to leave Pointe Noire for their next assignment:

I find leaving so much harder than I thought it would be. When there were challenging days, days of miscommunication, homesickness, heat and humidity- I was ready to pack it in and go home. Now looking back over the past 9 months I can’t believe I had moments like that. I can’t believe I ever wanted to go home, give up and leave early. Now, I can’t believe it’s already been 9 months. How do you suddenly leave? How do you say to a nation of people that have grown so close to your heart “bye-o, have a nice life”. How does that work?  Read the rest at African Grace and Mercy.

Mudding a house in Impfondo- Erin Horn
 Erin has lots of Impfondo pictures, including mudding a house, community nursing, and one of the best pictures of the Oubangi I've seen.
Pirouge on the Oubangi River- Erin Horn

You can read more about their experiences at Healing with Mercy and African Mercy and Grace.

And... Just in case you have thought about becoming a missionary, here are 10 reasons:

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