Monday, June 16, 2014

Helping Babies Breathe Class

Survival is hard for children here in the Republic of Congo.  1 out of every 100 babies who are born alive die during their first day.  (For more facts see the State of the Mother Report.)

One problem is that if the baby is not breathing when it is first born, nothing is done.  People usually just wait to see what happens.

Stephen had a chance to teach our nurses "Helping Babies Breathe," a neonatal resuscitation class designed to help save the lives of babies who struggle to breathe at birth.

They come in after work in the afternoon or on a weekend.  Since the class is not part of their paid work, they volunteer their time to learn.

 Eighteen nurses took the course: some for the first time, some for review.
Of the nine nurses who took the course for the first time, all but two passed.

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