Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Saying good-bye

We face many good-byes in this life of ours.  Some are more unexpected than others.
This week we said good-bye to the rest of the Tenpenny family- Elliot, Elias, and Hudson and Christina Warkentin.
Christina has agreed to leave Congo a little early so that Elliot will not have to travel alone with the two young boys.
They traveled to Brazzaville on Monday and this evening they will continue their trip to Nashville, TN.
Thursday, Sarah Tenpenny will be traveling on a medical flight from South Africa, arriving in Nashville on Friday.
Thank you for keeping their family in your prayers.
The Tenpenny family and Christina will be greatly missed here in Impfondo and at Hôpital Evangélique le Pionnier (Pioneer Christian Hospital)!
Praying for the Tenpenny family
Praying for Christina
The two youngest team members- friends and neighbors-
share a bowl of popcorn on their last evening together.

Sarah Tenpenny with Elias and Hudson in Impfondo.
They will be reunited before the week is over.

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