Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Random Saturday- part 5 surgery

I am very grateful to all the docs who took time to teach me surgery skills while we were in Impfondo: from Drs Fuka and Harvey to Drs Cooper and Hyre, Dr Mackenzie, Dr Greene and many others who talked me through and walked me through many procedures. These people in these picturess have a chance at healing because those doctors took time to teach.
This gentleman is recovering from a "simple" hernia, which is never simple for me.

Traffic accidents are major source of injury.  This guy has a complicated open lower leg fracture that needed skin grafting, flaps, and other techniques that I learned when in Soddo with Dr Greene.

This gentleman presents another severe wound infection needing removal of dead tissue and placement of a skin graft in a very complex area.

This old guy has an indomitable spirit and is here for chronic wound care.

Another bane of an aging African population is hypertension and stroke.
This guy has survived polio but now has very hard to control blood pressure and his first stroke at the age of 47.

Remember the war back in 2009?  This guy does.  He didn't make it to us then and now has an infected hip joint that needs ultimately a hip replacement.
Another hernia repair.  Thanks Dr Hyre, Cooper, and Mackenzie for helping with these when you came to our  place.

Here is another jaunty soul.  He likes wearing our scrub caps. He has ulcers on his legs, and he has failed at one skin graft already.

If you think your life is tough, remember you could be suffering from the stigmata of leprsoy like this gentleman, unable to walk, and now with urological problems as well.  He keeps on trucking.

Keep praying for these guys. When we left on August 14th, a couple of them were only 2 days out from some pretty complicated repairs. Pray for complete healing and no complications from the surgeries. Thanks for walking with us in this journey.

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